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Some of AMG's national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are at risk.  In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities have been obscured.

VK was born in a fishing community.  His father was a minister.  As a youth VK was held in bondage to the sins of the flesh.  His father removed him from an educational program because of his behavior.  VK. began conducting Sunday school classes for children and participating in Church activities.  He states, "There was really no change from my old life and I was pretending to be saved."

A marriage to a believer was arranged.  When he attended a convention he heard an evangelist preach on Eccl 11:9.  This message made him think of his sinful life.  He repented and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  

After some years God called VK into His service.  When his father died he took over responsibility for his father's ministry.

VK's wife conducts women's fellowship meetings in the church. They visit homes of idol-worshippers to share the Word with them  Christian literature is distributed to aid people in their spiritual journey.  In addition to his father's church, VK shepherds another church in a nearby village where 14 members attend services.

Thank you for thoughtfully considering supporting this faithful couple in their ministry efforts.  Together, we can impact more lives and communities in Jesus' name.